January 2017, On Green Dolphin Street
Scored exactly 6

December 2016, The Old Man and the Sea
Scored 6.9

November 2016, Dubliners
Scored 6.5

October 2016, My Brilliant Friend
My Brilliant Friend scored 5.8

September 2016, The Ventriloquist's Tale
Scored 4.5

Superfans meet their hero
Some of us went to listen to Ian Rankin talk about his writing at the Noirwich festival.

August 2016 Just So Stories
Just So Stories scored 5.5 Some of us also saw the Red Rose Chain production of The Tempest. Good to see so many young people in the...

July 2016 Skylight
Skylight scored 5.444444 once the scores sent in by email were counted.

June 2016 Untold Stories
Tony goes into what could be an unassailable lead for book choice of the year with a score of 8.4

May 2016 - Norwegian Rock
Norwegian Rock scored 6.125 https://paulsuttonreeves.wordpress.com